Hi we are the faces behind Petworth Pop Up Shop
Georgie (on the right) Cathy (on the left)
Started as a conversation on one of the notorious dog walks during lock down, We came up with the concept of Petworth Pop Up. a concept where we would run monthly markets as well as creating a space online for both local and UK sellers.
with Both owning and running a retail space and online platform, we knew that combing our skills together would be a successful recipe to help promote and showcase so many incredible makers and creators that need the opportunity and space to do so.
So when we are not deliberating between shall we have a Diet Coke or Coffee while chatting about dating, men, families, (and running our other businesses) We work at curating Petworth Pop Up, on Tour and now Online!
we believe the key to our success so far is not only having fun, but also our incredible passion in showcasing as many wonderful makers as possible by supporting them on their business dreams.
We are so grateful for the amazing support we are gaining and we are so excited to grow this platform into something really special.
All this started from our Petworth Pop up, an idea on a dog walk
C&G x